Dr. Sinéad Roden is an Associate Professor in Logistics and Supply Management at Trinity Business School. She founded the Masters in Operations and Supply Chain Management and is currently Programme Director. Sinéad previously held the position of Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning for Trinity Business School. Before joining Trinity, Sinéad was a Senior Lecturer at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) in London and a Lecturer at the University of Bath. She holds a Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management from Queen's University Belfast. Sinéad's research coalesces around a number of streams. First, the study of strategic inter-organisational relationships, where she is interested in the governance and development of strategic buyer-supplier relationships and networks, and the role of geopolitical factors and technology. The second stream of research coalesces around the area of risk management and supplier crises, specifically the mitigation of supply chain risk and the impact of supply base characteristics on supply chain disruption recovery. Sinéad's research has been published in a range of leading journals in the field, including Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, and International Journal of Production Economics. Her paper, "Radical innovations as supply chain disruptions? A paradox between change and stability" was recognised as a top-cited paper in the Journal of Supply Chain Management for papers published in 2022 " 2023. Sinéad is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Supply Chain Management and the International Journal of Operations & Production Management. She also serves as a reviewer for other journals in the area: Journal of Operations Management; Production Planning and Control; Supply Chain Management: An Internal Journal; and, R&D Management. Sinéad has been involved in the delivery of a range of modules at undergraduate, masters, MBA, and Executive levels and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Sinéad is also a visiting lecturer at Bologna Business School.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Carey, S; Lawson, B, and Krause, D., Social Capital Configuration, Legal Bonds and Performance in Buyer-Supplier Relationships, Journal of Operations Management , 29, (4), 2011, p277 - 288Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Brandon-Jones, A. and Carey, S, The impact of user‐perceived e‐procurement quality on system and contract compliance, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 31, (3), 2011, p274 - 296Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Roden, S and Lawson B., Developing Social Capital in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The Contingent Effect of Relationship-Specific Adaptations, International Journal of Production Economics, 151, 2014, p89 - 99Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Lawson, B; Samson, D and Roden, S., Appropriating the Value from Innovation: Inimitability and the Effectiveness of Isolating Mechanisms, R&D Management, 42, (5), 2012, p420 - 434Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Baris Yalabik, Mickey Howard, and Sinéad Roden, The innovation game: lessons in strategy and managing operations, Int Jrnl of Op & Prod Mnagemnt, 32, (12), 2012, p1441--1459Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Sinéad Carey, Benn Lawson, Governance and social capital formation in buyer-supplier relationships, Jnl of Manu Tech Mnagmnt, 22, (2), 2011, p152--170Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Feng Li, Alberto Nucciarelli, Sinead Roden, Gary Graham, How smart cities transform operations models: a new research agenda for operations management in the digital economy, Production Planning and Control, 27, (6), 2016, p514--528Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- S. Roden, A. Nucciarelli, F. Li, G. Graham, Big data and the transformation of operations models: a framework and a new research agenda, Production Planning and Control, 28, (11-12), 2017, p929--944Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Son, B.-G., Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C., Roden, S., A dyadic perspective on retailer-supplier relationships through the lens of social capital, International Journal of Production Economics, 178, 2016, p120-131Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Storey, Chris, Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, Canan, Roden, Sinéad, de Ruyter, Ko, Governing embedded partner networks, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38, (9), 2018, p1709-1734Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Kocabasoglu Hillmer, C., Roden, S., Vanpoucke, E., Byung-Gak, S., & Lewis, M. W. , RADICAL INNOVATIONS AS SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS? A PARADOX BETWEEN CHANGE AND STABILITY, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2023, pAccepted. -Journal Article, 2023
- Lee C.-H., Son B.-G., Roden S., Supply chain disruption response and recovery: The role of power and governance, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C., Vanpoucke, E., Son, B.-.G. and Roden, S., Seeing with fresh eyes: the potential of paradox theory to explore persistent, interdependent tensions in supply chains, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43, (11), 2023, p1669 - 1689Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
Research Expertise
TitleÉirPlANE (Éire's Plan for Aviation Net-zero Emissions)SummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01/01/2023Date To30/06/2024
- Outstanding Conference Reviewer, Operations Management, Academy of Management 2010
- Top Cited Paper in Journal of Supply Chain Managemen 2022-2023t: "Radical innovations as supply chain disruptions? A paradox between change and stability" 2023
- Highly Commended Award Winner, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012
- Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, Operations and Production Management (Highly Commended) 2009
- Best Paper Award EurOMA Conference: The Role of Certification in Seller-Reseller Relationships: A Critical Evaluation 2016
- Outstanding Conference Reviewer, Operations Management, Academy of Management 2010
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy Current
- European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) 2015