Monday, 20th November 2023
International Men's Day Event - Preventing Suicide Among Men
In honour of International Men's Day, the School of Nursing and Midwifery in the Faculty of Health Sciences hosted a webinar on suicide prevention with Dr Shane O' Donnell, Postdoctoral Researcher in the National Centre for Men's Health in SETU Carlow and Sarah Woods, Lead for Strategy Implementation, Stakeholder Engagement and Education at the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention.
- Context, suicide and self-harm rates and risk and protective factors for suicide in men.
- Policy response and male suicide prevention focused initiatives.
- How to talk about suicide. Signposting to help and support services.
Watch the webinar back here.
Tuesday, 3rd October 2023
This year’s theme is ‘Making our communities and workplaces more breastfeeding friendly’. It aims to highlight local supports for parents and the recent expansion in the law of breastfeeding breaks during work hours up until to a child’s second birthday.
In celebration of National Breastfeeding Week, The Midwifery Team and Healthy Trinity Committee invited students and staff at the School of Nursing and Midwifery to a coffee afternoon with a Prize Draw in the Foyer of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, 24 D'Olier Street, Dublin 2.
Thursday, 25th April 2023
Intersectionality Walk
Developed by the SAGE ACT Regional Network, the Intersectionality Walk is an educational package for understanding how a person’s multiple identities can compound advantage or disadvantage. In the Walk, participants assume realistic, multifaceted personas in simulated work-based scenarios. Each persona has characteristics from vulnerable or minority population groups, for example in terms of their gender, age, socioeconomic status, cultural background, disability and sexuality. The Walk provides a powerful way for participants to visualise how intersectionality plays out in real-life situations. By experiencing workplace scenarios in an assumed persona, participants can more easily empathise with the experiences of others. In guided reflection sessions, participants discuss the challenges of moving away from siloed approaches to organisational change, and identify opportunities to incorporate intersectionality into their gender equity work. The ACT Regional Network measured participants’ understanding of intersectionality before and after completing the Walk. The data showed that after completing the Walk, participants had a greater awareness of how intersectionality relates to workplace inclusion, and of the intersectional approaches they could use to achieve structural change. Although research into the Walk is still ongoing, the initial findings suggest that the Walk is a valuable tool for employers to build an inclusive culture that harnesses the talent of all employees.
Dr. Siobán O Brien Green - Equality Officer - Acting, Ms. Amhairgín Ní Laoi - Athena Swan Project Manager, Prof. Lorraine Leeson - Associate Vice-Provost Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Assoc. Prof. Cate Thomas - Visiting Trinity Fellow from Charles Sturt University, Australia - Leader Intersectionality Walk, Ass. Prof. Dr. Vivienne Brady - Director of Midwifery Programmes and Head of Discipline of Midwifery and Athena SWAN Champion and Ms. Mary Kelly - Allocations Officer.
Thursday, 13th April 2023
Hormonal Health with a Focus on Menopause and Andropause - Catherine O'Keeffe, Menopause Workplace Consultant and founder of Wellness Warrior
This event was facilitated by Catherine O'Keefe. Catherine is a Menopause Workplace Consultant who guides organisations to implement a comprehensive menopause strategy that leads to meaningful change and provides an inclusive view of menopause reflecting the many various forms, including natural menopause, early menopause and andropause. Catherine has helped over 250 companies choose support over silence, including Workday International, StateStreet, Department of Health, Sainsburys, and Microsoft. A former financial services director, Catherine has a deep understanding of the challenges faced in the workplace and menopause.
Dr. Fintan Sheerin - Head of School, Dr. Vivienne Brady - Director of Midwifery Programmes and Head of Discipline of Midwifery and Athena SWAN Champion, Ms Jeni Ryan - Events Manager and Ms Catherine O Keefe - Menopause Workplace Consultant and founder of Wellness Warrior.