Meet the Postgraduate Admin Team

Emma Duffy

Administrative Officer

As the Postgraduate Education Manager, Emma oversees the administration and coordination of postgraduate courses, ensuring high standards of support and services. Emma collaborates with College and partners to enhance the educational experience and address the needs of students.

Jane Ashe

Senior Executive Officer

Jane is the Senior Executive Officer for Postgraduate Student Affairs, supporting the Course Coordinators and the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning with student-related matters.

Eleonora Centeo

Executive Officer

Eleonora is an Executive Officer within the Postgraduate Team, offering administrative support to Course Coordinators and students across various postgraduate courses. Her responsibilities encompass assistance with examinations, assessments, and routine course-related matters.

Anna Jankowska

Executive Officer

Anna is an Executive Officer within the Postgraduate Team, offering administrative support to Course Coordinators and students across various postgraduate courses. Her responsibilities encompass assistance with examinations, assessments, and routine course-related matters.

Ms. Kate Gildea-Byrne

Executive Officer, School of Nursing & Midwifery

Kate is an Executive Officer within the Postgraduate Team, offering administrative support to Course Coordinators and students across various postgraduate courses. Her responsibilities encompass assistance with examinations, assessments, and routine course-related matters.

Hellen Batista

Executive Officer

Hellen is a part-time Executive Officer, working as a Receptionist and she is a part-time Administrative Officer, managing the HCI pilot micro-credentials. This work includes the creation, accreditation, and management of the short courses; and supporting all stages of the student experience.