PhD Students
Project: The experiences and perspectives of fathers who participated in a patenting programme for children with ADHD.
Supervisors: Dr Louise Doyle & Prof Agnes Higgins
Project: The impact of COVID-19 Amongst Risk and Protective Factors for Non-Communicable Disease Patients and Community Health Services in Developing Countries.
Supervisors: Prof. Catherine Comiskey & Dr. Jan De Vries
Project: LGBQ young people’s sources of information on sexuality and sexual health
Supervisors: Prof. Agnes Higgins & Dr. Gabrielle McKee
Project: The Pathway to the Emergency Department: A national mixed methods study of pre-hospital practitioners’ experiences and training needs when responding to people with self-harm and suicidal behaviour
Supervisors: Dr. Louise Doyle & Dr. Brian Keogh
Project: CBT- SP (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Suicide Prevention): Imagery Intervention.
Supervisors: Dr. Louise Doyle & Dr. Brian Keogh
Project: Older gay men’s experiences of Social Connection: A narrative analysis
Supervisors: Dr. Brian Keogh & Prof. Anne-Marie Brady
Project: Mental Health Organisational Culture and Practice Change: Moving Towards a Recovery Orientation Using Action Research
Supervisors: Prof. Agnes Higgins
Project: A place in the choir: An investigation of the meaning that older people attach to membership of a community choir
Supervisors: Dr. Brian Keogh & Dr. Louise Doyle
Project: Mental Health in the military: A mixed methods investigation of mental health and help-seeking behaviours in the Irish Defence Forces
Supervisors: Dr. Louise Doyle & Dr. Brian Keogh
Project: Women’s mental health and mental resilience five years after first-time motherhood: a mixed methods
Supervisors: Prof. Agnes Higgins & Dr. Deirdre Daly
Project: Improving access and uptake of treatment services for substance using adolescents
Supervisors: Prof. Catherine Comiskey & Dr. Michael Nash
Project: Protecting the Future of Mental Health Nursing in Ireland: An Exploration of the Transition Experiences, Career Intentions and Retention of Graduate Mental Health Nurses: A Mixed Methods Study
Supervisors: Dr. Brian Keogh & Dr. Louise Doyle
Project: People who use drugs: Opiate Agonist Treatment and Trauma
Supervisors: Prof. Catherine Comiskey & Dr. Jan de Vries
Project: Borderline stories: Women’s narratives of borderline personality diagnosis and disclosure
Supervisors: Dr. Louise Doyle & Prof. Agnes Higgins
Project: The Impacts of anxiety and depression on clinical outcomes and quality of life in patients with HF
Supervisors: Dr. Sharon O’Donnell
Project: Developing a roadmap and vision for Liaison Psychiatry Nursing in Ireland; A mixed-methods study
Supervisors: Dr. Louise Doyle & Dr. Brian Keogh
Project: Hate and how we can stop hating: the role of betrayal and atonement
Supervisors: Dr. Jan De Vries
Project: Suicide, Suicidal Behaviour and Self-Harm in Nurses in Ireland: A National Mixed Methods Study
Supervisors: Dr Louise Doyle & Dr Brian Keogh
Project: Exploring the impact of cognitive dissonance in nursing practice
Supervisor: Jan De Vries