Dr. Catherine Mc Cabe

Dr. Catherine Mc Cabe

Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery

3531896 3019http://people.tcd.ie/camccabe


Dr McCabe is a Registered General Nurse with over 30 years experience in nursing and healthcare research, practice, and education. Her research interests and expertise are in the areas of: Digital Health; Acute/Critical care; Arts and Health and research methodology (RCT's and systematic review). Her current research focuses on integrated digital health and technology for clinical practice innovation, staff health and well-being and health education.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Daly L., Brennan M., Fahey-McCarthy E, McCabe C., Transitioning from the physical to the virtual learning environment: Learning from experience on a postgraduate dementia education programme, International Dementia Conference, Vox Birmingham, 3-4 November, 2015Poster, 2015
  • Timmins, F., Mc Cabe, C. and Prochaska, E., Midwives' Assertiveness: A survey of UK midwives' views of their assertive behaviour in the workplace, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 35th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin , February 18th & 19th, 2015, pp100 - 100Poster, 2015
  • Whelan J, Timmins F, McCabe C, Buckley S, Muldowney Y, McCarthy S and de Vries J.M.A, Nurses confidence with communication skills in Ireland - a fact finding sample survey, 35th Annual RCSI International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference, Maintaining Professional Competence: Continuing Professional Development and Patient Centred Outcomes, RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery , RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Dublin, 2-3rd March, 2016, pp171 - 171Poster, 2016
  • Timmins, F., McCabe, C., Whelan, J., Buckley, S., Muldowney, Y., McCarthy, S., DeVries, J., Nurses' confidence with communication skills: An exploration of the communication required for contemporary nursing practice in the Republic of Ireland, Nurse Education Today (NET) 27th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference., Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, 6th-8th Sep 2016, Jill Rogers Associates, 2016, pp3 - 3Conference Paper, 2016
  • McCabe C and Timmins F, Embracing technology- what is the way forward for nurse education? , Nurse Education in Practice, 21, 2016, p104-106Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Timmins, F. McCabe, C. and Keogh, B. , Reflections on research teaching using Brookfield's (1995) Critical Incident Technique, NET2016 27th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, 6th-8th September, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • McCabe, C. and Timmins, F. , Grundläggande Kommunikation - Iinom Omvårdnad. , Lund , Studentlitteratur aB, 2015, 1 - 272ppBook, 2015
  • Timmins, B., Long, S. McCabe, C, Timmins, F., and Lattimore, N. , DIT students and the community widening their participation by designing student services for TU4D. , 7th Living Knowledge Conference: Integrating Community Based Partnership into Learning and Teaching for Responsible Research and Innovation, DIT Grangegorman, Dublin., 22nd-24th June 2016., 2016, pp29 - 29Conference Paper, 2016
  • Smith O & McCabe C, Think and think again! Clinical decision making by advanced nurse practitioners in the Emergency Department, International Emergency Nursing, http://dx.doi.org/10, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Kasasbeh M, McCabe C, & Payne S., Cancer-related pain management: A review of knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals. , European Journal of Cancer Care, DOI: 10.1111/ecc.126, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Kasasbeh M, McCabe C, & Payne S. , Action Learning: An effective intervention to improve cancer related pain management. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Journal of Clinical Nursing, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • McCabe C, McCann M, Brady AM, Computer and mobile technology interventions for self-management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Art. No.: CD011425, (5), 2017, pdoi/10.1002/14651858.CD011425.Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • Donizak J & McCabe C, Pharmacological management of patients with Parkinson's Disease in the acute hospital setting: a review, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 13, (5), 2017, p220 - 225Journal Article, 2017
  • McCabe, C., O'Brien, M, & Quirke, MB, The introduction of the Early Warning Score in the Emergency Department: A retrospective cohort study, International Emergency Nursing, In Press, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Doyle, L. McCabe C., Keogh, B., Brady, A-M., McCann, M., An Overview of the Qualitative Descriptive Design within Nursing Research, Journal of Research in Nursing, 25, (5), 2020, p443 - 455Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Horgan-Cuffe, C., Quirke, MB, McCabe, C, Patients' experiences of living with multiple myeloma, British Journal of Nursing, 29, (2), 2020, p103 - 110Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • McCabe C, Tehan A, Grehan M, Roche D., An assessment of the scope and nature of arts and health practice in Ireland, Public Health Panorama, 6, (1), 2020, p36 - 210Journal Article, 2020
  • McCabe C, Patel KD, Fletcher S, Winters N, Sheaf G, Varley J, McCann M., Online Interprofessional education related to chronic illness for health professionals: a scoping review, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Ennis S, McLoughlin C, Martin T, Liston T, O'Sullivan K, McCabe C. , Key Learnings from a partnership approach to the introduction of a Learning Management System (LMS) in a hospital setting, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2021), Trinity College Dublin, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Al Kindi Z, McCabe C, McCann M, School nurses' available education to manage children with asthma at schools: A scoping review, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 60, 2021, p46 - 57Journal Article, 2021
  • Al Kindi Z, McCabe C, McCann M, Impact of Nurse-Led Asthma Intervention on Child Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review., Journal of School Nursing, 2021, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2021
  • Timmins F, de Vries J, Muldowney Y, McCabe C, Whelan J, Buckley S. & McCarthy S, Nurses' views of fundamental relational skills used in clinical practice: a cross-sectional pilot study., Frontiers of Nursing, 8, (3), 2021, p223 - 232Journal Article, 2021, URL
  • Shaji P, McCabe C., A narrative review of preventive measures for postoperative delirium in older adults, British Journal of Nursing, 30, (6), 2021, p367-373Journal Article, 2021
  • É Baggio, MC Weis, B da Silva Santos, C Mccabe, F Neill, MD Valim, Brazilian Mobile Phone Applications Related to Hand Hygiene and their Applicability for Healthcare Professionals, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 40, (3), 2022, p208 - 218, p208-218Journal Article, 2022
  • Glynn L, Moloney E, Klooblall M, McCabe C, McCann M , A review of the feasibility of a smartphone application (app) supporting a self-management , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 190 , ((SUPPL1)), 2021, pS52-S53Journal Article, 2021
  • Hill K, McCabe C, Brenner M., Organisation of care in paediatric intensive care units during the first 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review protocol, BMJ Open , 12, (5), 2022, pp.e054398.Journal Article, 2022
  • Brenner, M., Weir, A., McCann, M., Doyle, C., Hughes, M., Moen, A., Ingvar, M., Nauwelaerts, K., Turk, E., McCabe, C. , Development of the Key Performance Indicators for Digital Health Interventions: A Scoping Review, Digital Health, 9, 2023Journal Article, 2023
  • McCabe C, Feeney A, Basa M, Eustace-Cook J, McCann M, Nurses knowledge, attitudes and education needs towards acute pain management in hospital settings: A meta‐analysis, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Smith O, McCabe C, Kidney E., Tram-track cycling injuries: a significant public health issue, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2023, phttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11845Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Hardie P, McCabe C, Timmins F, & Thompson DR. , A qualitative exploration of Irish nursing students' experiences of caring for the dying patient, Nursing Open, 10, (8), 2023, p5649 - 5658, phttps://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1Journal Article, 2023
  • Girleanu I, Connolly L, & McCabe C. , Gender differences in acute care treatments for cardiovascular diseases, British Journal of Nursing, 32, (12), 2023, p580 - 586, pdoi.org/10.12968/bjon.2023.32.Journal Article, 2023
  • Hill K, McCabe C, Brenner M, Impact of adapting paediatric intensive care units for adult care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review, BMJ Open, 13, 2023Journal Article, 2023
  • Timmins F. & Mc Cabe, C. , How assertive are nurses in the workplace? A preliminary pilot study, Journal of Nursing Management , 13, (1), 2005, p61 - 67Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Timmins F. & McCabe C. , Nurses and Midwives views of their Assertive Behaviour in Workplace , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 51, (1), 2005, p38 - 40Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Timmins, F. and Mc Cabe, C. , How to conduct an effective literature search , Nursing Standard, 20, (11), 2005, p41 - 47Journal Article, 2005
  • Wiisak, J., Stolt, M., Igoumenidis, M., Chiappinotto, S., Gastmans, C., Keogh, B., Mertens, E., Palese, A., Papastavrou, E., Mc Cabe, C. and Suhonen, R., Factors contributing to the promotion of moral competence in nursing., Nursing Ethics, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Papastavrou E, Chiappinotto S, Gastmans C, Igoumenidis M, McCabe C, Suhonen R, Palese A, PROMOCON Consortium., Ethics in undergraduate nursing degrees: An international comparative education study., Nursing ethics, 2024, p9697330241247322Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Glynn L, McCann M, McCabe C, Smartphone applications supporting self-management programme for adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Scoping Review, PLOS Digital Health, 3, (6), 2024, pe0000532Journal Article, 2024
  • McCabe C, McCann M, Connolly D, McGrath J, Begley J, Ball JC, Harris E, Impact of unscheduled nurse-led virtual care for people with diabetes on nursing practices and patient satisfaction, British Journal of Nursing, 33, (5), 2024, p236 - 241Journal Article, 2024
  • Al Kindi Z, McCann M, McCabe C, Impact of School Nurse Asthma Education Program on School Nurses" Asthma Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Levels, Journal of Pediatrics Research Reviews & Reports, 6, (2), 2024, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2024
  • Lunde L, Maurud S, Bones E, Connolly L, McCabe C, Moen A, Support for patient self-management and digital health literacy with more relevant health information, Nursing Informatics 24, University of Manchester, 28 -31st July 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • " Igoumenidis M, Stefanopoulos N, Palese A, Chiappinotto S, Gastmans C, McCabe C, Suhonen Riitta, Papastavrou E, Promoting a Morally Competent Nurse (PROMOCON): An innovative continuing education approach, 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference, University of Ioannina, Greece, September 11-13, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
  • Chris Gastmans and Evelyne Mertens and Alvisa Palese and Brian Keogh and Francesca Apolloni and Johanna Wiisak and Catherine Mc Cabe and Maria Dimitriadou and Alessandro Galazzi and Michael Igoumenidis and Nikos Stefanopoulos and Paraskevi Charitou and Evridiki Papastavrou and Riitta Suhonen and Stefania Chiappinotto, Perspectives of nurses and patient representatives on the morally competent nurse: An international focus group study, International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 8, 2025, p100296Journal Article, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Fiona Timmins and Catherine McCabe., Assertive Behaviour in the Workplace, Irish Association of Critical Care Nurses Annual Conference and AGM, Plaza Hotel, Belgard Road, Tallaght., 26th May , 2005, Irish Association of Critical Care NursesInvited Talk, 2005
  • Mc Cabe, C. and Timmins, F. , Communication , WWW.NursingFocus.Net , 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Fiona Timmins and Catherine McCabe, How assertive are nurses in the workplace? -A Pilot Study , Annual Research Conference in Nursing and Midwifery, The Conrad Hotel, Dublin., 5-7th November , 2003Poster, 2003
  • Fiona Timmins and Catherine Mc Cabe, Registered Nurses and Midwives views of their Assertive Behaviour in the Workplace, 22nd Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin 2., 25th -27th February , 2004Poster, 2004
  • McCabe, C., Timmins, F. and McSherry, R., Research Awareness: The Route To Evidence Based Nursing. Findings From A Randomised Descriptive Survey Of Registered Nurses In Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery,University 7th Annual Research Conference , of Dublin, Trinity College , 8th - 10th November, 2006Meeting Abstract, 2006
  • Colin Griffiths, Catherine Mc Cabe, Madeline Gleeson , Joan O Shea and Fiona Timmins, A kaleidoscope approach - new perspectives emerging from re-examination of communication studies performed within four different client group settings, Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery Developing 'Services for Patients and Clients: Nurses and Midwives Promoting Innovation and Change', Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin., 15th November , 2006Poster, 2006
  • Day Surgery Management in, editor(s)Fiona Timmins, Catherine Mc Cabe , Day Surgery: Contemporary approaches to nursing care, Chicester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp99 - 120, [Brady, Anne-Marie]Book Chapter, 2009
  • McCann S, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCabe C. , The Open Window Project: Four perspectives on a novel art intervention in a bone marrow transplant unit. , Society for the Arts in Healthcare's 16th Annual International Conference; A Composition of Creativity & Caring,, Nashville, Tennessee, USA., April 11-14, , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S, The 'Open Window' Project - A Novel Art Intervention in the Treatment of Patients Undergoing Stem Cell Transplantation for Haematological Malignancies, Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) (Nurse' Section), Hamburg, Germany. , March , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
  • Roche D, McCabe C, Hegarty F, McCann S, A novel art intervention in a Stem Cell transplant facility, Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), Special Evening Presentation. , Hamburg, Germany, March, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
  • McCann S, McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, Begley C, Collier S, The 'Open Window' Project - A Novel Art Intervention in the Treatment of Patients with haematological malignancies,, St James' Hospital Cancer Conference, Dublin Castle, April , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • McCann S, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCabe C, A Novel Intervention in the Treatment of Haematological Malignancies, Invitation Lecture, University of Southampton, April , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S, McCabe, Art can soothe the Body and Soul, Rule of Thumb; Series of talks about Art and Artists in context., Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, April , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • McCann S, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCabe C, 'Open Window': Art can soothe body and soul; a novel intervention in the treatment of haematological malignancies. (Invited presentation),, South African Lymphoma Study Group, Cape Town, South Africa., October , 2004Conference Paper, 2004
  • Hegarty F, Roche D, McCann S, McCabe C. , 'Open Window' A Novel Intervention in the Treatment of Haematological Malignancies. , 6th International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November , 2004Conference Paper, 2004
  • McCabe C, Begley C, Collier S, McCann S, Methodological issues related to assessing and measuring quality of life in patients with cancer: Implications for Patient Care, European Journal of Cancer Care, 17, (1), 2007, p56 - 62Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Timmins F. & McCabe C. (eds), Day Surgery: Contemporary Approaches to Nursing Care, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2009Book, 2009
  • Beekle A.T. & McCabe C. , Awareness and determinants of family planning practice in Ethiopia, Internaitonal Nursing Review, 53, 2006, p269 - 276Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • McCabe C. & Timmins F, How Nurse Managers Let Staff Down, Nursing Management, 13, (3), 2006, p30 - 35Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • McCabe C, Patients Experiences of Nurse-Patient Communication in a General Hospital, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13, (1), 2004, p41 - 51Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Communication Issues in Day Surgery in, editor(s)Timmins F. & McCabe C. , Day Surgery: Contemporary Approaches to Nursing Care, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009, pp123 - 135, [McCabe C.]Book Chapter, 2009
  • Timmins F., McCabe C., Griffiths C., Gleeson M. & O'Shea J., Lessons from Practice; Reflection on communication across the disciplines, Royal College of Nursing, Research Society Annual International Nursing Research Conference, Europa Hotel, Belfast, 9-11th March, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • McCabe C & Timmins, The importance of assertive behaviour by nurses in becoming autonomous practitioners, Faculty of Nursing, 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin, 23-25th February, 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
  • McCabe C. & Timmins F, Nurses' views on how nurse managers influence the use of assertive behaviour by nurses in the workplace, School of Nursing and Midwifery 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 3-5th November , 2004Meeting Abstract, 2004
  • McCabe C., Roche D., Hegarty F., Begley C., & McCann S., The 'Open Window' Project: Results of a Study Exploring Patients Perspectives of an Art Intervention, Society for the Arts in Healthcare's 20th Annual International Conference, Hosted by the Center for the Arts, University at Buffalo, Buffalo Hyatt Hotel, 22-25 April , 2009Meeting Abstract, 2009
  • Timmins, F. ,Mc Cabe, C., Griffiths, C., Gleeson and O'Shea, J., Lessons from Practice- Reflection on Communication across the Disciplines , Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom Research Society Annual International Nursing Research Conference, Europa Hotel Belfast,, 9--11th March 2005 , 2005Meeting Abstract, 2005
  • Timmins, F. and McCabe, C., The importance of assertive behaviour by nurses in becoming autonomous practitioners , Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, 25th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, 23-25th February , 2005Meeting Abstract, 2005
  • Griffiths, C. Mc Cabe, C. Gleeson, M. O' Shea, J. and Timmins, F. , Kaleidoscope approach - new perspectives emerging from re-examination of communication studies performed within four different client group settings , , 6th Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery Developing 'Services for Patients and Clients: Nurses and Midwives Promoting Innovation and Change', Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin., 15th November , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
  • Communicating Care in, editor(s)McSherry, W., McSherry, R. and Watson, R. , Care in Nursing: Principles, Values and Skills, Oxford, Oxford University Press , 2012, pp2488 - 2498, [Mc Cabe, C. and Timmins, F. ]Book Chapter, 2012
  • McCabe, C., Cronin, P. , Issues for researchers to consider when using health related quality of life outcomes in cancer research., European Journal of Cancer Care, 20, 2011, p563 - 569Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Hegarty F., Roche D., McCabe C. & McCann S. , Using multimedia technology to help combat the negative effects of protective isolation on patients: the Open Window Project - engineering challenge, Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, 32, (3-4), 2009, p72 - 77Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • McCabe, C., Patients' Experiences of Nurse-Patient Communication in a General Hospital, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies 2nd Annual Research Conference, The Conrad Hotel, Dublin, November , 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • McCabe, C., An exploration of Patient's experiences of how Nurses empathise, 21st Annual Nursing Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, February, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
  • McCabe, C., "Patients' Experience of Nurse-Patient Communication in a General Hospital", Irish Nursing Research Interest Group's Research Forum, Limerick, April, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
  • Mc Cabe, C., Timmins, F., Teaching assertiveness to undergraduate nursing students, Nurse Education in Practice, 3, 2003, p30 - 42Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Principles of Acute Care with Older People in, editor(s)Brady, A.M., McCabe, C. and McCann, M. , A Concise Systems Approach to Medical & Surgical Nursing, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp78-89 , [Daly, L., Tolson, D. and Ayton, A.]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Communication and Conflict Resolution in, editor(s)Anne Marie Brady , Leadership and Management in the Irish Health Care System, Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2010, pp169 - 184, [Catherine McCabe]Book Chapter, 2010
  • McCabe C. & Timmins F., Communication Skills for Nursing Practice, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006Book, 2006
  • McCabe C, Neill F, Granville G, Grace S. , Evaluation of an art in health care elective module - A nurse education initiative, Nurse Education and Practice, 13, (2), 2013, p113-117Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Daly, L., McCabe, C., Establishing the Landscape of Interdisciplinary Masters/Postgraduate Programmes in Later Life/Aged Care, "Helping Older People to Flourish in Different Care Settings: The Nursing Contribution" All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association 5th Annual Conference, Crowne Plaza Hotel Dundalk, 30th May, 2013, pp21Poster, 2013
  • Dinsmore, J. Mc Cabe, C. Brady, A-M, Mc Kee, G. O. Donnell, S, Dinsmore (2013). A Descriptive Study Exploring the Self-Management of Patients Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) , Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin AIRC 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Dublin , November 2012, 2012Meeting Abstract, 2012
  • Dinsmore J, McCabe C, Brady AM, O'Donnell S, McKee G. , A Descriptive Study Exploring the Self-Management of Patients Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) , AIRC 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Dublin, November, 2012Meeting Abstract, 2012
  • Kasasbeh M, McCabe C, Payne S, Cancer Related-Pain Management and Assessment, the Effect of an Action Learning Programme on Healthcare Professionals' Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice, 3rd Action Research Colloquium, North Campus, Institute of Technology, Tralee , June , 2013Meeting Abstract, 2013
  • McCabe C & Timmins F, Communication Skills for Nursing Practice, 2nd, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013Book, 2013
  • Dunne G., Jooste R., McCabe C. & McMahon G. , The use of Action Learning as strategy for improving pain management in the Emergency Department, International Emergency Nursing Journal, In Press, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Timmins F., McCabe C., Griffiths C., Gleeson M., O'Shea J. , Teaching Communication to Nursing Students: Contemporary Perspectives on Practice, Journal of Nursing and Care. , 3, 2014, p1-5Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Timmins F, McCabe C, McSherry R, Research awareness: managerial challenges for nurses in the Republic of Ireland., Journal of nursing management, 20, (2), 2012, p224-35Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S, 'Open Window': a randomized trial of the effect of new media art using a virtual window on quality of life in patients' experiencing stem cell transplantation., Psycho-oncology, 22, (2), 2013, p330-7Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • McCabe C, Dinsmore J, Brady AM, Mckee G, O'Donnell S, Prendergast D., Using Action Research and Peer Perspectives to Develop Technology That Facilitates Behavioral Change and Self-Management in COPD., Int J Telemed Appl, 2014, p380919-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • McCabe C, McCann M, Brady AM., Computer and mobile technology interventions for self management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Protocol), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD011425. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD011425, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • McCabe C, Daly L, Fahy McCarthy E, O'Shea H, Ethical and Legal Decision Making with a Person with Advanced Dementia, Conference: Palliative Care Needs of People with Dementia: Building Capacity, Mullingar Park Hotel, 3rd November, 2015, Irish Hospice FoundationInvited Talk
  • McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S., 'Open Window' Project - a novel intervention in the treatment of haematological malignancies, Irish Haematology Nurses Association, Newsletter, (June), 2005Journal Article
  • McCabe C., Roche D., Hegarty F., McCann S., Art in Health Care: Essential or Just Nice to Look At!, Creative Methods Symposium,, Ickworth Hotel, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, 7th December, 2006, Homerton School of Health Studies (HSHS), Angela Ruskin University, Cambridge.Invited Talk
  • McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S, The 'Open Window' Project - A Novel Art Intervention in the Treatment of Patients Undergoing Stem Cell Transplantation. , EBMT (UK) NAP Nursing Conference, Nottingham, 28th June , 2006, EBMT (UK) NAPInvited Talk
  • McCabe, C., Child abuse: What's the problem? What's the solution, St Paul Ireland, 1997Journal Article
  • McCabe, C., Diagnosis and treatment of Meningitis in Children, World of Irish Nursing, 7, (8), 1999, p20 - 21Journal Article
  • McCabe, C., Meningitis in Children, Irish Emergency Nurses Association Conference, St. Mary's Hospital, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 10th October, 1998, 1998Conference Paper
  • McCabe C, Dinsmore J, Brady AM, McKee G, O'Donnell, S, COPD - Behavioural Change, Self Management & Peer Perspective: Project Report, School of Nursing & Midiwfery, May, 2012Report
  • Brady, A-M & Mc Cabe, C., Human factors in Nursing Education , Human Factors in Healthcare, Farmleigh, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 24th November, 2011, State Claims AgencyInvited Talk
  • Daly, L., & McCabe C., Scoping Review to Inform the Development of an Inter-disciplinary Masters in Gerontology, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., March, 2013Report

Research Expertise

My key research interests relate to 2 areas: The first is collaborative research with health services providers related to aspects of critical/emergency nursing practice and continuing clinically nurse education. The second is digital technology in health and education which has been the focus of my grant applications and collaborations for many years. Digital health, specifically e product information for medicine is the focus of the current IHI H2020 Gravitate Health project that I lead tasks on KPI development and evaluation. I lead projects and collaborate with health service providers on projects related to digital health initiatives such as nurse led virtual clinics for diabetes management. Digital health research related to education, clinical practice and innovation are the key direction of my research. I am currently working on an interdisciplinary grant applications evaluating the impact of a digital health intervention on staff health and well-being respectively.

  • Title
    New Graduate Nurses' experiences of transitioning to ICU
    An exploration of graduate nurses' experiences of making the transition to staff nurse in ICU
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    October 2022
    Date To
    March 2023
  • Title
    Design and test an innovative interdisciplinary online education programme on digital health for chronic disease management
    Development of an online module designed to support and facilitate interdisciplinary learning in relation to digital health
    Funding Agency
    iHeed Health Training Limitied
    Date From
    May 2018
    Date To
    December 2019
  • Title
    'Open Window' Study - An evaluation of a novel art intervention using multi media in the treatment of patients undergoing stem cell transplantation
    Over the past 25 years in health care, art has become increasingly recognised as a key ingredient in the planning and development of patient-centered and healing environments. This is not a new idea (Clayton and Opotow 2003; Crow et al 2002)and even today art, whose value in health lies in its ability to comfort, console and sustain (Wikoff 2004) is thought to reduce stress and anxiety levels, promote well-being and a positive mood in patients [Clayton and Opotow 2003; Staricoff et al 2001). Open Window' is a novel art intervention in the treatment of patients with haematological malignancies and has been available on a pilot basis in two rooms only on the Denis Burkitt Ward for the past year and a half. Patients on this ward are cared for in protective isolation in single, air conditioned en suite rooms and visiting is restricted. The rooms are clinical in appearance and views from the windows are restricted. 'Open Window' was developed specifically as an art intervention in response to the patients' environment and also because it may help patients adjust positively to their experience of having a life threatening illness during and after stem cell transplantation. Art specifically is thought to help patients modify or develop a new sense of self and self-esteem which is adversely affected by having a life threatening illness. Aims and Objectives .To measure the effect of 'Open Window' on patients' psychological well-being .To explore patient perceptions of how 'Open Window' influenced their experience of having a stem cell transplant.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Cancer Society
    Date From
    November 2004
    Date To
    November 2007
  • Title
    neXt-Reality aims to improve preparedness for and management of disasters and health emergencies by developing and implementing an eXtended Reality (XR) and Citizen Science (CS)-based preparedness ecosystem toempower citizens, particularly children and young people (C&YP)through meaningful intergenerational and transcultural relationship
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    H2020 Coodinator Grant - H2020 SC1-PM-15-2017 'Personalised Coaching for well-being and care of people as they age'.
    V-COACH aims to provide and evaluate the use of an affective computing and artificial intelligence (AI) system to support healthy and active ageing. Sensing algorithms will integrate age and disease specific data from individual mobile platforms to understand behaviours, emotions, the environment and social connections/support. AI techniques will be used to learn and reason over this information and construct a personalised and adaptive virtual coach for older adults, informing and being informed by behavioural change techniques.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland (2016)
  • Title
    Tallaght University Hospital: Building Capacity for Research & Service improvement
    Tallaght University Hospital. Collaborative work with Nursing staff to improve patient services and build capacity for nursing research in the organisation.
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    H2020 Coodinator Grant - H2020 SC1-PHC21 2015 SENSIOR on the use of mobile technology for early detection and prevention of cognitive decline and isolation
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland (2014)
  • Title
    Building Capacity for Research & Service improvement
    Development of research projects, research support, networks and infrastructure to enable nurse led innovative interdisciplinary, clinical research in acute care at Tallaght Hospital
    Funding Agency
    Adelaide Health Foundation / Meath Foundation
    Date From
    August 2017
    Date To
    January 2020
  • Title
    Building Capacity for Research &Service improvement
    Collaborative research to improve patient services and build capacity for nursing research.
    Funding Agency
    Tallaght University Hospital / NMPDU
  • Title
    Improving patient access, understanding and adherence to healthcare information: an integrated digital health information project.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    November 2020
  • Title
    Pathways to Persistence in Healthcare (Path2Health): Enhancing Workforce Resilience and Retention
    This research project tackles the critical workforce shortages faced by European nations, including Norway, particularly in the healthcare sector " as detailed in the latest Norwegian Health and Hospital Plan. An anticipated surge in healthcare demand is forecasted, attributed to an ageing population, the advent of novel treatment options, and greater prosperity. This challenge is intensified by declining applications to health-related education, high dropout rates, up to 40% turnover among new healthcare professionals, and significant sick leave in the sector. Appropriately, Norway's recently launched National Health and Cooperation Plan 2024 " 2027 prioritizes recruiting and retaining skilled healthcare personnel as a crucial objective for the upcoming years. This project uses mixed methods to track healthcare students transitioning into professional roles, seeking to identify experiences and factors influencing education success and workforce engagement. By applying advanced statistical techniques to longitudinal data, we aim to pinpoint the main elements of job satisfaction and contributors to nurse retention over 15 years. Through randomized controlled trials, we will assess the impact of organizational and individual oriented educational interventions designed to reduce stress and improve sleep and recovery of healthcare workers, on enhancing employees' health and well-being at work, and examine their influence on absence rates and desire to remain in the profession. Success in this effort could identify support and skill development strategies enhancing employee adaptability and lifelong learning, areas where traditional education may lag. The project's digital tools and leadership programs, if effective, could greatly impact employee's health, well-being, and work adaptability, aiding in staff retention and operational efficiency in healthcare. This contributes to sustaining a strong healthcare workforce, aligning with societal objectives.
    Funding Agency
    Research Council of Norway
  • Title
    The development of an assistive navigational software platform to enable self management in chronic illness (e.g. COPD & Stroke)
    Since the widespread introduction of a new generation of mobile smart tablets in 2010 the capabilities of the PC have been surpassed by a new highly intuitive, user friendly, mobile system. We are proposing to use this new assistive technology to create an application design which will allow patients with a variety of chronic illnesses eg. COPD, Diabetes etc. to tailor their own subjective recovery on various rewards based motivational paradigms and will also be transferrable to other chronic illnesses. This software application allows for the provision of self-management, is interactive, providing 'real time' rehabilitation data that is responsive to the subjective rehabilitation of the user on social, psychological and physical dimensions. This platform will provide the end user with a culturally attuned, individualised responsive application to enable self-management.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland: Commercialisation Feasibility Case Grant
    Date From
    15th December 2013
    Date To
    March 2014
  • Title
    Developing technological based educational, motivational and health promoting material to support self management in patients with chronic illnesses.
    The purpose of this study using behaviour change principles is to develop technological based educational, motivational and health promoting material to support self management in patients with chronic illnesses. Objectives: . To explore care needs, sources of support & experiences of patients & carers living at home with chronic illness . To assess patient knowledge, ability and readiness to self manage their care needs in relation to chronic illness . To develop educational, motivational and health promoting material for use by patients and carers for generic and specific chronic illnesses . To optimise the self care management potential for patients with chronic illness An Action research design is used and it is a process by which behavioural science knowledge is integrated with scientific knowledge and applied to solve real organisational problems' (Shani and Passmore, 1985). In this study it is proposed that an initial reflective process will enable user/carer support needs to be identified. Using principles of behavioural change, the research team will then develop new resource material, or enhance existing material, to address the specific self management needs of this group. To complete the action research cycle, participants of the patient/carer group will be invited evaluate the developed material.
    Funding Agency
    TRIL(Technology Research for Independent Living) in partnership with Intel Ireland
    Date From
    June 2011
    Date To
    March 2012
  • Title
    The Impact Of Unscheduled Nurse-Led Virtual Care On Patients And Healthcare Outcomes.
    This project evaluates the Impact Of Unscheduled Nurse-Led Virtual Care On Patients And Healthcare Outcomes.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
    March 2023
  • Title
    Cochrane Review
    Computer and mobile technology interventions for self management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    Funding Agency
    Cochrane Library
    Date From
    Jan 2015
    Date To
    June 2016
  • Title
    National Review of Art and Health Practice in Ireland
    The main aim of this project was to explore the establishment of a formal framework to support the development of arts and health practice in Ireland. The research examines what form such a framework might take. Data was collected using A systematic literature review, a National Audit of current arts and health practice and interviews with relevant stakeholders in arts and health. Objectives .Carry out a review examining the scope of arts and health projects on both a national and international level. .Identify the nature of projects and initiatives in Ireland, the numbers of people involved and the types of people involved. .Identify the range and type of health services involved. .Identify the range of arts practices involved in health related projects.
    Funding Agency
    Joint HSE and Arts Council
    Date From
    October 2015
    Date To
    January 2016
  • Title
    A patient-centred integrated care pathway for the management of chronic pancreatitis
    Funding Agency
    Meath Foundation
    Date From
    Sept 2022
    Date To
    August 2024
  • Title
    PROMOCON (Promoting a Morally Competent Nurse)
    This educational project is designed to address the need for innovative learning and teaching practices including a digital approach, ensuring advancements in this field, a full long-term sustainability, and a `green practice" of higher education on moral competences across EU. By stimulating the development of nurses" moral competence, the main aim is to address the existing gap in applied ethics education and practice targeting students, registered nurses, and educators. A Massive Open Online Course [MOOC], using digital technologies/materials including a toolkit and good practices guide for potential educators and learners will be developed. It will include case studies, examples, guided lectures and exercises helping learners to self-assess their attitudes/skills and competences. In this sense, the project outputs will enhance the effectiveness of educators in supporting the development of nurses" moral competences, and its methodology can be used by other HCPs educators thus improving shared values among the health professional community, turning in a multiplier effect on the population cared for, improving safety and satisfaction with care.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    October 2022
    Date To
    October 2025

Digital health, Electronic Health (eHealth), Nursing, Health services and systems,


  • Fellowship of EANS 2022
  • Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland To date
  • ECHAlliance European Connected Health Alliance Group To date
  • European Academy of Nursing Science Elected Board Member and Treasurer To date
  • The Irish Platform for Patients' Organisations, Science and Industry (IPPOSI) to date
  • IUA representative on the National Deteriorating Patient Improvement Programme (DPIP) and member of the working group on NEWS Education Programme March 2019
  • Ministerial Appointed Member of the Occupational Therapists Registration Board, CORU - Regulating Health and Social Care Professionals 2016 - 2020