Trinity announces new Sport Scholars for 2020/21
Trinity College Dublin today unveiled its Sport Scholarship students for 2020/21. Student athletes from a wide variety of sports are featured in this year’s programme.
29 Oct 2020
Trinity Green Week 2020: Food and its impact on climate change
Provost Patrick Prendergast, Trinity alumnus Senator David Norris and Green Party member Saoirse McHugh launched Trinity’s annual Green Week.
20 Feb 2020
Transforming innovative research into practice to benefit older people
Novel collaboration between TILDA, NCPOP, HSE and RCPI is to benefit Ireland’s older people through innovative Frailty Education Programme.
8 Jul 2020
Exercise and the brain: 3 ways physical activity affects its structure Physiology Professor Áine Kelly writes about the impact exercise has on the structure of the brain in an article first published in The Conversation.
Physiology Professor Áine Kelly writes about the impact exercise has on the structure of the brain in an article first published in The Conversation.
17 Nov 2020
Why UN can win back support on human rights
An opinion piece by Donna Lyons, Assistant Professor at the Trinity School of Law, on how the United Nations could win back support for its human rights framework, as first published in the Business Post
8 May 2020
New discovery has important implications for treating common eye disease
Scientists from Trinity have discovered that the molecule TLR2, which recognises chemical patterns associated with infection in the body, also seems to play an important role in the development of retinal degeneration.
20 Feb 2020
Third Year of Provost’s Innovation Challenge @ Tangent, Trinity’s Ideas Workspace
Trinity is once calling students to action; encouraging them to be independent thinkers who will make a real world impact through the ‘Provost’s Innovation Challenge @ Tangent’.
22 Oct 2020
International Sustainable Campus Network grant will help Trinity shine a light on Irish biodiversity
Researchers will create a new series of documentaries on the biodiversity of Trinity’s campus, bringing the public closer to the newly established wildflower meadows.
20 Nov 2020
Large variations in vitamin D levels depending on Dublin postcode
In one of the largest studies ever carried out in Europe, researchers at MISA have found that vitamin D deficiency is widespread across Dublin and surrounding areas. The research is published in the journal 'Nutrients'.
9 Sep 2020
Interim report released: Unification Referendums on island of Ireland
Referendums on the future of the island of Ireland should only be held with a clear plan for what follows, the interim report from the Working Group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland has found. There were three Trinity members of the Working Group: Oran Doyle, Dr Etain Tannam and Dr David Kenny
26 Nov 2020