Díospóireacht ar an Reifreann ar an Ochtú Leasú
Craoladh clár RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta Cormac ag a Cúig beo ó Sheomra na Gaeilge i gColáiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, Déardaoin, an 17 Bealtaine. Bhí díospóireacht ar an Reifreann ar an Ochtú Leasú.
24 May 2018
University open to visitors on Sunday, March 18
Campus open to all students, staff and visitors. Book of Kells now open.
18 Mar 2018
Who is behind the name of Elena Ferrante?
An opinion piece published by The Conversation explores who is behind the name of the pseudonymous Italian novelist Elena Ferrante.
24 Oct 2018
Engineers secure SEAI funding to pursue innovative energy project
The engineers will use the funding to pursue research aimed at reducing the energy consumption in air filtration systems in buildings.
27 Nov 2018
‘14 expeditions’ seminar series to tell globetrotting botany research tales
The series, which is open to all, will showcase unique and exciting adventures – such as avoiding bears in Alaska – undertaken in the name of botany research.
23 Jan 2018
Students set sights on SpaceX Hyperloop Pod competition in California
The Eirloop team, comprising 45 students from Ireland, will compete in front of Elon Musk – demoing a pod capable of safely transporting people at up to 600 km/h.
6 Apr 2018
New European charter to promote gender equality in the university sector
The SAGE charter sets out 12 principles to eradicate discrimination in research and higher education.
22 Aug 2018
Study finds link between vitamin D-deficient older adults and depression
A new study completed by TILDA researchers at Trinity found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a 75% increase in the risk of developing depression.
5 Dec 2018
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers public lecture
Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former US Secretary of State, delivered a public lecture in Trinity College Dublin today. The lecture was followed by a conversation with the Chancellor of the University Mary Robinson.
22 Jun 2018
Untold stories of women in the Holocaust
A feminist history of the Holocaust was the focus of the 2018 Annual Holocaust Memorial Lecture delivered by Oxford’s Dr Zoe Waxman.
7 Feb 2018