Scholars of the Decades
The annual gathering of Trinity College Dublin’s Scholars of the Decades and new Fellows took place last week on Trinity Monday.
19 Apr 2017
Prof Stefano Sanvito receives knighthood from Italian president
An order of knighthood has been bestowed on Prof Sanvito, Director of the CRANN Institute at Trinity and Principal Investigator in the School of Physics and the SFI funded centre, AMBER.
6 Apr 2017
Trinity wins Postgraduate Design & Innovation Award
The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship helps PhD students transform their research into products, services and policies
11 Dec 2017
New €8.2 million EU project will supply next-gen, abrasion-resistant surfaces
The project will pilot the mass production of anti-reflective, scratch- and abrasion-resistant surfaces that can be applied on camera lenses, car components and mobile phones.
19 Dec 2017
Bob Geldof takes centre stage at the Honorary Degrees 2017
The stellar cast, including a world leading scientist, an Irish historian, an environmentalist and leading global medical researcher were awarded Trinity’s highest honour by the Chancellor of the University.
23 Jun 2017
Deadly flower power? Imported tulip bulbs may spread anti-fungal resistance
Tulip and narcissus bulbs imported from the Netherlands may be acting as vehicles for the international spread of a drug-resistant fungus -- with potentially fatal consequences.
18 May 2017
Geneticists pen new tales of human history with the ink of ancient DNA
Geneticists have shed new light on the movements and evolution of people in East Asia and the Baltic by analysing human remains aged between 5,000 and 8,000 years old.
2 Feb 2017
#TrinityIsSocial – Trinity hosts first Social Media Day
Trinity held its first Social Media day for staff in December which gave insights into best practice for higher education aiming to support staff in developing their social media skills and knowledge.
18 Dec 2017
Trinity joins Age-Friendly Universities Network
The commitment will ensure that Trinity is inclusive of students, staff and visitors of all ages, and make its community aware of the benefits older adults bring to university life.
26 Sep 2017
Divided Korea can learn from Northern Ireland’s peace process
Histories of hurt and trauma link Ireland with two Koreas and may show way forward, according to Dr David Mitchell, Assistant Professor in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, and Dr Dongjin Kim, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Irish School of Ecumenics
19 Sep 2017