Careers Week 2016
An opportunity to meet employers and start your job search.
5 Oct 2016
Computer Science Must Become a Core School Subject
Trinity report calls for reform of educational system to fix digital skills gap
17 May 2016
Singing in Irish Sign Language
A video of three Trinity students using Irish Sign Language to perform the popular ’santa Claus is coming to town' has gone viral.
16 Dec 2016
Rates of depression are high amongst pregnant women in Ireland
One in six pregnant women – or 16% of pregnant women - attending maternity services across Ireland are at probable risk of depression during their pregnancy, according to a new survey launched today by a Trinity College Dublin research team and the Irish Obstetric Services.
3 Nov 2016
Friday’s Spatial Music Performance Kicks Off Creative Challenge Showcase
This newly commissioned work involves Trinity composer Enda Bates, Trinity Orchestra, Cue Saxophone Quartet and Miriam Ingram.
6 Apr 2016
Trinity salutes Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner, Sir Fraser Stoddart
Honorary degree recipient from Trinity, Sir Stoddart, received the prize along with Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Bernard L Feringa for work in producing tiny molecular machines.
5 Oct 2016
Scientists Sequence Ancient British ‘Gladiator’ Genomes from Roman York
Trinity's geneticists were the first to sequence genomes of ancient Britons. Their findings may help to piece together migration patterns from centuries ago.
19 Jan 2016
Trinity economist wins award to investigate innovative flexible loan products
Trinity economist Michael King wins $300,000 to investigate the impact of innovative loan products on micro-entrepreneurs in India
7 Jul 2016
Trinity Debates 1916 in London
Trinity was the first Irish university to host a major 1916 event outside of Ireland, when it joined with The Institute of Irish Studies, at the University of Liverpool, to host a debate on 1916 in London.
22 Apr 2016
New company Inflazome will tackle chronic inflammatory diseases
The company, based on collaboration between Trinity and the University of Queensland, has raised €15 million to develop new therapeutics.
12 Sep 2016