College News
Trinity Professor Receives Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Award
The award is made annually to a distinguished chemist with an international reputation, able to relate and communicate the importance of chemistry and chemical research to everyday life.
6 Mar 2015
Researchers Complete Vital Work in Housing Design for People with Dementia
Their recommendations will enable people living with dementia to live in their own homes for as long as possible, and help families and carers to provide the necessary support.
2 Mar 2015
Journalist Jon Snow addresses Trinity’s Philosophical Society
Trinity’s Philosophical Society hosted renowned journalist, newsreader and presenter, Jon Snow, of Channel 4 News
26 Feb 2015
Irish Times Debating Competition Team Award goes to Trinity
The team winners of the Annual Irish Times debating competition were Ronan O'Connor and Hugh Guidera of Trinity’s Philosophical Society.
25 Feb 2015
Trinity Professor Raises Awareness of Engineering in Primary School Children
Professor Roger West from the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin visited St Oliver Plunkett National School as part of Engineers Ireland’s 'Engineer’s Week'
20 Feb 2015
Trinity Green Week encourages Students and Staff to ‘Go Green in 2015’
Go Green in 2015 is the theme for the College’s 13th Annual Green Week which is running from 16th – 20th February.
17 Feb 2015
Trinity Researchers Tackle Mechanisms of Concussion Injuries in Rugby
Video evidence is being focused on to establish the key kinematic scenarios that increase a rugby player’s risk of concussion.
13 Feb 2015
Fungais Thairbheacha’ D’fhéadfadh Orgánaigh Mhicreascópacha cuidiú le Táirgeoirí Eorna Muintir an Domhain a Chothú gan aon Ábhar Ceimice
Tá luibheolaithe i gColáiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, tar éis dhá speiceas fungais a aimsiú a chuireann cosc ar scaipeadh ghalair síl, agus ar an scrios a thagann dá mbarr
12 Feb 2015
Innovation Academy to provide Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training for Brazilian Academics
The Innovation Academy at Trinity and UNISUAM, a non-profit educational institution in Brazil, have joined forces to deliver training to UNISUAM academics in 2015
10 Feb 2015
Researchers Showcase Advances in Aviation Safety to MEPs in Brussels
PROSPERO, an EU FP7 Project co-ordinated by the Centre for Innovative Human Systems and School of Psychology aims to help meet ambitious EU targets to reduce aviation accident rates
10 Feb 2015