College News
Margadh mór déanta idir UQ agus Coláiste na Tríonóide ar ghnólacht nuathionscanta maidir le hathlasadh
Tá cuideachta nuathionscanta ina bhforbraítear cóireálacha leighis do ghalair athlastacha atá bunaithe ar chomhar taighde idir Ollscoil Queensland agus Coláiste na Tríonóide, faighte trí mhargadh suntasach a dhéanamh.
21 Sep 2020
Free Trinity workshops to help businesses survive COVID-19
Trinity Business School has partnered with the leading business members' group Ibec to launch a free series of workshops and seminars to help businesses rebuild in the Covid economy.
15 Sep 2020
Trinity unveils New Book of Kells Treasury and Display Case
It will provide an even more inspiring visitor experience, and signals a revitalisation of the culture, heritage and tourism sectors as the country emerges from COVID-19.
14 Sep 2020
Science Gallery Garden launches at Ars Electronica global festival
Science Gallery’s international network partners with Ars Electronica to explore trust, technology, global challenges, arts innovation and new forms of digital storytelling at their 2020 festival, In Kepler’s Gardens.
8 Sep 2020
Young Economist Award research looks at police behaviour in the U.S.
Dr Nicola Mastrorocco, Assistant Professor in Economics has won the prestigious 2020 European Economic Association (EEA) Young Economist Award.
8 Sep 2020
Student entrepreneurs pitch for backing at first ever online Launchbox 2020 Demo Day
Ten teams of student entrepreneurs at Trinity College Dublin pitched their company plans at Trinity’s LaunchBox 2020 Demo Day
4 Sep 2020
Study investigates what shapes child well-being in rich countries
Study on child well-being ranks Ireland 12th out of 38 OECD/EU countries but cautions on the effects of the pandemic.
3 Sep 2020
World-leading AI experts deliver inaugural John Mc Carthy Summer School
Computer science experts from Trinity are joining the RDI Hub in Kerry to investigate the role of artificial intelligence in sustainable societies.
3 Sep 2020
Trinity researchers in breakthrough trial for motor neuron disease
The enrolment of an Irish patient into the trial allows Ireland to compete on the world-stage in early clinical trials for MND.
1 Sep 2020
School closures, exam uncertainty hurt student wellbeing, finds Trinity survey
A new survey of second-level students in schools in areas of social disadvantage shows school closures as a result of Covid-19 negatively impacted on their mental health.
28 Aug 2020