Ultra-fast magnetic switching with potential to transform fibre optical communications
"Toggle switching" could increase the capacity of the global fibre optic cable network by an order of magnitude.
15 Sep 2020
Ceangal leis an Iorua agus caidreamh le muintir na háite léirithe sna chéad seichimh ghéanóim ar Lochlannaigh na hÉireann
D’athraigh na Lochlannaigh stair na hÉireann agus d’fhág siad leagáid buan ar linn na ngéinte ar an oileán. Tá aithne againn orthu mar ionróirí, foghlaithe mara agus gaiscígh fhionna, a thaistil ar muir ó Chríoch Lochlann chun cur fúthu anseo ar deireadh thiar.
13 Sep 2020
Large variations in vitamin D levels depending on Dublin postcode
In one of the largest studies ever carried out in Europe, researchers at MISA have found that vitamin D deficiency is widespread across Dublin and surrounding areas. The research is published in the journal 'Nutrients'.
9 Sep 2020
Young Economist Award research looks at police behaviour in the U.S.
Dr Nicola Mastrorocco, Assistant Professor in Economics has won the prestigious 2020 European Economic Association (EEA) Young Economist Award.
8 Sep 2020
Study investigates what shapes child well-being in rich countries
Study on child well-being ranks Ireland 12th out of 38 OECD/EU countries but cautions on the effects of the pandemic.
3 Sep 2020
World-leading AI experts deliver inaugural John Mc Carthy Summer School
Computer science experts from Trinity are joining the RDI Hub in Kerry to investigate the role of artificial intelligence in sustainable societies.
3 Sep 2020
Trinity researchers secure prestigious ERC awards
Assistant Professor Claire Gillan and Dr Alessandro Lunghi have been awarded European Research Council Starting Grant Awards worth €3 million in the latest round of results, while Al Maktoum Associate Professor, Mohamed Ahmed, recently began his project here, which was retained on the funding list from a previous round.
3 Sep 2020
Trinity researchers in breakthrough trial for motor neuron disease
The enrolment of an Irish patient into the trial allows Ireland to compete on the world-stage in early clinical trials for MND.
1 Sep 2020
Science Gallery Dublin brings PLASTIC to Donegal
The touring exhibition will explore how we can responsibly use the versatile material, while fundamentally changing our approach to living with plastic.
21 Aug 2020
A quantum thermometer to measure the coldest temperatures in the universe
The physicists' proposed thermometer is based on quantum entanglement and can accurately measure temperatures a billion times colder than those in outer space. It would be used to answer fundamental research questions and to study how matter behaves in extreme quantum states.
20 Aug 2020