Geneticists discover hidden “whole genome duplication” that may explain why some species survived mass extinctions
Geneticists have unearthed a major event in the ancient history of sturgeons and paddlefish that has significant implications for the way we understand evolution.
31 May 2023
Michelle Olmstead appointed as new Chief Innovation and Enterprise Officer
Trinity College Dublin has appointed Michelle Olmstead as its Chief Innovation and Enterprise Officer.
31 May 2023
New study finds homebirths overwhelmingly more positive experience for women
Continuity of care, bodily integrity and informed consent were reasons cited for more positive homebirth experience, according to a study conducted by researchers from the School of Social Work & Social Policy and the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
30 May 2023
Ageing and dementia in healthcare settings: design, evaluation and beyond
Researchers at TrinityHaus are hosting a hybrid research symposium on Friday 26th May from 9 am to 4 pm in Tangent, Trinity Ideas Workspace, to bring together a variety of national and international stakeholders to explore Ageing and Dementia in HealthCare Settings: Design, Evaluation and Beyond.
24 May 2023
AI already being used in the legal system - we need to pay more attention to how we use it
Artificial intelligence has become such a part of our daily lives that it’s hard to avoid – even if we might not recognise it. writes Morgiane Noel, PhD Candidate, School of Law in this piece originally published in The Conversation.
23 May 2023
New paediatric dental database removes access barriers to information
This new interactive dashboard – allowing open access exploration of oral health-related data from multiple national children cohort surveys - has been developed by researchers at the Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin.
23 May 2023
Cerebral Palsy Foundation launches plan to revolutionise CP care in Ireland
An estimated 3,000 children and young people and 9,500 adults are living with CP in Ireland. Backed by $12.5 million in philanthropic funding, this five-year programme will change the trajectory of their lives.
22 May 2023
People fear AI tech, but not enough to avoid autonomous cars
A significant percentage of people fear AI tech, but not enough to avoid using autonomous cars when they become available. That is according to new research that goes against the “Frankenstein complex”, where humans are predicted to be hostile to robots and AI because they are afraid of them.
22 May 2023
Trinity scientists take their research to the pub as Pint of Science comes to town
Trinity researchers will be among the scientists bringing their research to pubs across the country new week as part of the international Pint of Science festival.
19 May 2023
First radio signal reveals supernova origin
Astronomers from around the globe, including those from Trinity, today reveal the origin of a thermonuclear supernova explosion through the first ever detection of radio waves from an exploding white dwarf star.
17 May 2023