Éanlaith ag éagsúlú go tapa in Oirdheisceart na hÁise – tá taighde nua ar Chabairí na Sulaivéise ag léiriú nithe ceilte dúinn maidir leis an éabhlóid
Tá zó-eolaithe tar éis torthaí nua a fhoilsiú óna gcuid oibre ar éanlaith in Oirdheisceart na hÁise, a thugann léiriú ar na nascanna idir iompraíocht ainmhithe, an gheolaíocht, agus an éabhlóid. Is léir uathu gur féidir le speiceas athrú níos tapúla ná mar a bheadh coinne leis, faoi choinníollacha áirithe.
20 Jul 2021
Rapidly diversifying birds in Southeast Asia – the Sulawesi babblers are teaching us fresh things about evolution
The work, led by zoologists from Trinity, makes new connections between animal behaviour, geology, and evolution – and underlines that species can diversify surprisingly quickly under certain conditions.
20 Jul 2021
Researchers investigate the role of ketamine in the treatment of depression
Depression has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as the leading cause of disability globally. In Ireland, over 200,000 people experience a depressive episode each year.
15 Jul 2021
The “Salt Sheep” of Chehrabad – ancient history brought to life by DNA from 1,600-year-old Iranian sheep mummy
This remarkable specimen has revealed sheep husbandry practices of the ancient Near East and underlined how natural mummification can affect DNA degradation.
14 Jul 2021
Trinity marine biologists support Save Our Shark campaign
Over 9,000 people have so far petitioned Government to afford legal protection to basking sharks in Irish waters, where these magnificent creatures spend time each year.
14 Jul 2021
Spotlight on: Dr Brendan Ciarán Browne
In the first of a brand-new Spotlight On series which will highlight some of the great research underway at Trinity, we meet Dr Brendan Ciarán Browne, Assistant Professor in Conflict Resolution, and hear about his research into the Palestinian Bedouin communities who many believe are at risk of forced displacement around Jerusalem.
13 Jul 2021
Scientists blueprint bacterial enzyme believed to play “stealthy” role in suppressing immune response
Blueprints such as these allow drug designers to uncover potential weaknesses in bacterial arsenals as they seek to develop new therapeutics that may help us win the war against antibiotic resistance.
12 Jul 2021
Scientists home in on recipe for entirely renewable energy
The Trinity team behind the work has taken a major leap forward in searching for the “holy grail” of green catalysts that would allow us to produce clean energy from water. The work could one day make a huge contribution to reducing humanity’s carbon dioxide emissions.
7 Jul 2021
Frailty identification can positively impact Ireland’s future health and social care policy
The new TILDA study contains pertinent information for healthcare providers and planners to help prepare and improve the future of overall care for Ireland’s growing ageing population, using targeted interventions.
6 Jul 2021
A biodiversity action plan to maximise the benefits of wind farms
The Nature+Energy project will develop new ways of accounting for the value of nature on wind farms and establish a state-of-the-art environmental monitoring system across the country that will revolutionise how we measure and monitor biodiversity.
5 Jul 2021