Top Stories
FloWaste secures $270,000 pre-seed funding to develop food analytics platform
The company, nurtured via Trinitys School of Engineering, and LaunchBox, uses proprietary image recognition technology to empower cafeterias, fast-food and quick-service restaurants to reduce food waste.
3 Mar 2021
Art, music, and brain health intersect in new drama ‘UnRavelled’
Research on brain health from GBHI contributes to drama which explores the relationship between art, music and brain health.
3 Mar 2021
Virtual Trinity Library – A Major Digitisation Initiative of the Library of Trinity College is Launched
It will conserve, catalogue, curate, digitise and research unique collections of national importance, making them accessible to a global audience, from schoolchildren to scholars. Using the most advanced technology the Library’s new Digital Collections platform will showcase the breadth of these collections, ranging from precious manuscripts to scientific papers.
2 Mar 2021
Researchers publish first ever detailed description of Sierra Negra eruption
A volcanic eruption in the Galápagos Islands has given scientists a fresh insight into how volcanoes behave and provided vital information that will help to predict future hazards on the islands.
2 Mar 2021
Trinity joins elite top 0.6% of business schools globally
Trinity’s status as an internationally-recognised heavyweight will make its graduates some of the most sought after job applicants, and will ensure that Irish-based multinational corporations, as well as small- and medium-sized businesses, invest in domestic talent.
2 Mar 2021
A laser to generate randomness for next-gen information security and encryption
Our ever-increasing reliance on e-commerce, internet based financial services and virtual social contacts, depends on how well and how fast random processes and interactions can be protected.
2 Mar 2021
V-SENSE team leads learning project to improve the virtual classroom experience
This project builds on previous work by exploring emergent learning practices and demonstrating workflows that create unique, virtual learning environments (VLEs) for modern social virtual reality platforms.
1 Mar 2021
Trinity’s annual Irish language festival celebrates online from March 1-5
Don't miss Éigse na Tríonóide, Trinity College Dublin’s annual Irish language festival, and Seachtain na Gaeilge, which take place online from 1-5th March 2021.
1 Mar 2021
Professor Dan Kilper appointed new Director of CONNECT Centre
Professor Kilper’s appointment comes soon after a six-year €39 million investment in CONNECT through the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres programme.
26 Feb 2021
Research offers virtual support for MND patients during pandemic
The pandemic highlighted the need for remote monitoring and delivery of highly specialised care for patients with MND.
25 Feb 2021