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waytoB — giving people with an intellectual disability greater independence
The tech solution, named waytoB, was invented by Talita Holzer Saad and Robbie Fryers, two recent engineering graduates from Trinity.
20 Dec 2017
New report on how the ocean can help satisfy global demand for food
'Business as usual' is not a sustainable option when it comes to developing policies on extracting food from the oceans, according to a new evidence review report developed for the European Commission with contributions from a Trinity environmental history expert.
19 Dec 2017
New €8.2 million EU project will supply next-gen, abrasion-resistant surfaces
The project will pilot the mass production of anti-reflective, scratch- and abrasion-resistant surfaces that can be applied on camera lenses, car components and mobile phones.
19 Dec 2017
Trinity’s Open Day attracts 10,000 people
Held across the College's city centre campus, our Open Day offered secondary school students and their parents, mature students, teachers and guidance counsellors an opportunity to gain a real insight into student life at Trinity.
17 Dec 2017
How our ability to see, feel and hear tells us about the workings of the brain
'Perception in mind: how our ability to see, feel and hear tells us about the workings of the human brain'
15 Dec 2017
New research shows link between hearing loss and dementia
People with age-related hearing loss had an increased risk for cognitive decline including executive function, processing speed and episodic memory, as well as cognitive impairment and dementia.
14 Dec 2017
ERC awards will support genetics and immunology research
Professor Aoife McLysaght and Dr David Finlay's won prestigious ERC Consolidator Awards, which will help them expand their research teams.
14 Dec 2017
Time of day affects severity of autoimmune disease
Understanding the interplay between 24-hour day-night cycles and the immune system may help inform drug-targeting strategies to alleviate autoimmune disease.
12 Dec 2017
TILDA report gives unique insight into end of life experiences of older people
A new study released today by the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) at Trinity College Dublin provides a deep and important understanding of the end-of-life experience of older adults in Ireland. The report examines issues such as where TILDA participants died, which services and care they received and their quality of life, health and disability leading up to their death.
12 Dec 2017
Global ICT leader Huawei announces research partnership with Trinity
At the event at Trinity, Guo Ping, Huawei Deputy Chairman & Rotating CEO, also announced the expansion of the company’s Cork R&D operation.
11 Dec 2017