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The heavy toll of the Troubles on brain health in Northern Ireland
Professor Brian Lawlor writes on the toll of the Troubles, reflected by the high numbers of people that developed anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and one of the highest uses of antidepressants in Europe.
19 Apr 2023
Get it over and done with! The secret to managing tasks we don’t like
New research from Trinity Business School and colleagues in Germany suggests that working on the tasks you really dislike and getting them over and done with is the best way to manage your workload.
17 Apr 2023
New Dean elected at Trinity Business School
Laurent Muzellec steps into the role after many years at the Business School. He has made a significant contribution to the development of the school, setting up the Centre for Digital Business and Analytics, and establishing the Masters in Digital Marketing Strategy.
13 Apr 2023
400 years after publication, Ireland’s only copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio goes on display
Trinity’s copy of the first edition of Shakespeare’s collected plays is the centrepiece of a new exhibition in the Library of Trinity College Dublin entitled “Shakespeare the Irishman” marking 400 years since the Bard’s complete works were first published.
13 Apr 2023
A cellular identity discovery with the potential to impact cancer treatments
A team of scientists led by those in Trinity has discovered new mechanisms involved in establishing cellular identity, a process that ensures the billions of different cells in our bodies do the correct job.
7 Apr 2023
Trinity honorary degrees mark Good Friday Agreement anniversary
Senior political adviser Martin Mansergh, former Downing Street Chief of Staff Jonathan Powell, activist Monica McWilliams, and American foreign policy strategist Nancy Soderberg received Trinity’s highest honour from Trinity’s Chancellor Dr Mary McAleese at a ceremony conducted in Latin in the historic Public Theatre
6 Apr 2023
Awards and Funding|Community|Society
Pesticides detected in pollen and nectar may pose a long-term hazard for pollinators
Pesticides have been detected in flowers not targeted with the chemicals that could be an additional, underestimated threat to pollinators according to new findings by Trinity and DCU, published in the Science of the Total Environment.
6 Apr 2023
Translation of Trinity research leads to FDA approval of Rett syndrome treatment
Dr Daniela Tropea’s story is an exciting example of success in translational research where findings in basic science translate into clinical applications, providing hope for patients and their families.
6 Apr 2023
How commercial actors influence and impact health and society
Trinity’s Dr Mélissa Mialon is co-author on two publications within the new Lancet Series that explores how companies shape our physical and social environments and highlights the need for clear frameworks to examine and differentiate among commercial entities, to understand how they help or hinder public health.
6 Apr 2023
Rare 14-ft smalltooth sand tiger shark washes up on Wexford shore
A huge 14ft smalltooth sand tiger shark washed up at Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford, this weekend. Scientists believe it to be the first official record of the species being found in Ireland’s waters.
4 Apr 2023