Trinity College have some research awards and funding for PhD students. Some additional sources of funding may also be available.
Trinity College Dublin Research Awards and Funding
Postgraduate Studentships are available to new entrants on the Doctoral Programme. They are awarded competitively on academic merit. The Studentship fully covers EU and non-EU fees and provides an annual maintenance grant for three years, conditional on successful completion of each year. As a holder of a postgraduate studentship you will be required to engage in some teaching-related activities.
Your application for the Ussher Fellowship and the Postgraduate Studentship must be made in conjunction with your PhD application.
Application should be made only via our online application system.
Additional Sources of Funding
Irish Students
- The Student Grant Scheme pays fees plus a small stipend. It is means tested and may be based on parents’ income if the student is living in their parent’s home or is less than 23 years of age. Students over 23 years of age and living independently may quality for the Mature Student Grant Scheme. For more information contact your local authority.
- If you are a self-funding student you can apply to the Revenue Commissioners for tax relief on your tuition fees.
- You may apply to the Irish Research Council for funding. No teaching allowed in first year and a maximum of three hours per week thereafter. Applications are usually due in January. Your application must be cleared internally by Trinity College first and there is an internal deadline for applications.
- North-South Scholarships. Universities Ireland , the body which promotes collaboration between the nine universities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, offers scholarships to students undertaking postgraduate studies in the other Irish jurisdiction. This scholarship is worth €15,000 and must be taken up in September or October .
Additional Sources of Funding (US and Canadian Students)
- You may be eligible for a US Federal Loan from the Department of Education or you can take out a private education loan from a bank in the US. Click here to find information about Federal Loans.
- Canadian students can apply for a loan from the Canadian Student Loan Program. Click here for more information. You can take out a private loan from the Canadian Higher Education Loan Program. Application forms are available from
Additional Sources of Funding (All Students)
- Funding may be available through research grants to supervisors from the Higher Education Authority’s Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (HEA-PRTLI).
- Likewise, funding may also be available through research programmes funded by the European Commission.
Click here for more information on how to apply or here to start your application.